Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Reading List for 2010... part 1

This is pretty simple - these are the books I plan to read over the next few months. Suggestions are always welcome!

AW Tozer - The Pursuit of God
CS Lewis - Screwtape Letters
Jonathan Kozol - Savage Inequalities
Stephen Lawhead - Patrick
Francis Bremer - John Winthrop: a Biography
Aron Nimzovitch - My System
JRR Tolkien - Children of Hurin
GK Chesterton - The Man Who Was Thursday

This is just a beginning, and I will be including more in the coming months and weeks. Some I have read before, but I think that it would be arrogance to believe that I have gleaned all that is to be gleaned from a single, or even a dozen, readings of the great works such as these.

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